J4CTournament is distributed as a ZIP file where are packed all the necessary resources (but not the JVM virtual machine, you need to have installed a JVM version 1.4 or higher. You can dowload it from Sun's web site : http://java.sun.com/)
No installation is needed, so you only got to unzip the files and place them into your desired folder. The entry point for the
application is found at the jc4tournament.jar
file located in the /lib
There are several ways to launch the application :
java -jar lib/jc4tournament.jar
from the root folder of the game..jar
files, you may launch it by
double-clicking over lib/jc4tournament.jar
file.After launching the application, you will see something like this :
The Menu menu-item contains all posible actions :
Playing a JC4Tournament game is very easy. Two users are needed. They may be at the same machine, but, they are usually on different machines. So, first of all, you need to know, at least, the IP of the player who is creating de game. The way the joining-player finds out that IP is responsability of both players.
After the two players are connected, the game starts. The user running the JC4Tournament instance in Create Game mode moves first. Notice that users move only once in their turn, so if any of them tries to move when he is not suppose to, he is warned that it's not his turn yet, and that move is ignored.
Any trouble or problem during connection (or if opponent closes his game instance) results in the disconnection and closing of the game.